The “Lesslie model” adopted by PRSA NSW

The NSW Branch of the PRSA has adopted the model for the election of the NSW Parliament as devised by Stephen Lesslie and laid out in detail on the website

The model incorporates for both Houses:

  1. A Hare-Clark proportional representation system
  2. Fully optional preferential voting
  3. The Robson Rotation
  4. The Gregory transfer
  5. Abolition of above-the-line voting and registered group voting tickets.

The Legislative Council would consist of, as at present, a single electorate encompassing the state as a whole. Legislative Councillors to be elected for eight years with half retiring at each general election. A referendum to be held in due course to reduce the number to be elected at each periodic election from twenty one to nineteen.


The Legislative assembly would consist of five electorates (map above) each returning nineteen members. Four of the electorates would include a portion of the greater metropolitan area of Sydney and adjacent regional areas. The fifth electorate would include the City of Newcastle and coastal areas north to the Queensland border.

Note: The electoral boundaries shown in the above map are based on the boundaries of current single member electorates. When drawing up the initial muilti-member electorate boundaries, the electoral commissioners should use local government boundaries thereby extending the Northern electorate to the Queensland border.